AEThER combines astronomy, astrophysics, cosmo- and planetary chemistry, planetary physics and dynamics, experimental and theoretical petrology, and mineral physics to answer fundamental questions about the nature of exoplanetary solar systems and the characteristics that lead rocky planets to have clement surfaces suitable for the development of life. The final product of this project will be a new perspective on what kinds of planets in what stellar environments are most likely to develop habitable surfaces where life can thrive and then be remotely detected.
“We need a better understanding of how a planet’s composition and interior influence its habitability, starting with Earth. This can be used to guide the search for exoplanets and star systems where life could thrive, signatures of which could be detected by telescopes.”
We are a closely knit group of interdisciplinary leaders focused on the challenge of combining astronomy, geophysics, geochemistry, and planetary science to study the potential for planetary habitability. Only by combining our perspectives and methods can we answer bold questions about the potential for life on other planets.
We have the instrumentation, expertise, and curiosity to produce breakthrough discoveries at the interface between disciplines and spawn a new kind of science. We are ready to train the next generation of interdisciplinary thinkers.
Principal Investigator
Anat Shahar, Carnegie Institution for science
Proposing Institution
Carnegie Institution for Science, Earth and Planets Laboratory
Participating Institutions
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
Howard University
Observatoire de Paris
Pennsylvania State University
University of California Los Angeles
University of Maryland
University of Oxford
University of Rochester
University of Washington