Initial work by our team on the questions of Carnegie Worlds:

How do we assess what exoplanets might be habitable?

Shahar, A., P. Driscoll, A. Weinberger, and G. Cody, What makes a planet habitable? Science 364, 434-435, 2019. 

Can we detect and understand the diversity of exoplanets and their atmospheres?

Chambers, J., Planet formation: an optimized population-synthesis approach, Astrophys. J. 865, 30, 2018.

Clement, M. S., N. A. Kaib, and J. E. Chambers, Dynamical constraints on Mercury's collisional origin, Astron. J. 157, 208, 2019.

Dragomir, D., et al. (including J. Teske, P. Butler, J. D. Crane, S. A. Shectman, S. X. Wang), TESS delivers its first Earth-sized planet and a warm sub-Neptune, Astrophys. J. Lett. 875, L7, 2019.

Feng, F., J. D. Crane, S. X. Wang, J. K. Teske, S. A. Shectman, M. R. Díaz, I. B. Thompson, H. R. Jones, and R. P. Butler, Search for Nearby Earth Analogs. I. 15 Planet Candidates Found in PFS Data, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Series 242, 25, 2019.

MacGregor, M. A., A. J. Weinberger, D. J. Wilner, A. F. Kowalski, and S. R. Cranmer, Detection of a Millimeter Flare from Proxima Centauri, Astrophys J. Lett. 855, L2, 2018.

Piro, A. L., Can Rocky Exoplanets with Rings Pose as Sub-Neptunes? Astron. J. 156, 80, 2018.

How does exoplanet bulk composition affect its internal dynamics?

Celliers, P.M., Millot, M., Brygoo, S., McWilliams, R.S., Fratanduono, D.E., Rygg, J.R., Goncharov, A.F., Loubeyre, P., Eggert, J.H., Peterson, J.L. and Meezan, N.B. Insulator-metal transition in dense fluid deuterium. Science, 361(6403), 677-682, 2018.

Boujibar, A., Driscoll, P., Fei, Y., Internal Structure, Thermal History, and Magnetic Field Generation in Super-Earths. LPSC, 2881, 2019.

Clement, M. S., N. A. Kaib, S. N. Raymond, J. E. Chambers, and K. J. Walsh, The early instability scenario: terrestrial planet formation during the giant planet instability, and the effect of collisional fragmentation, Icarus 321, 778-790, 2019. 

Desch, S. J., A. Kalyaan, and C. M. O'D. Alexander, The effect of Jupiter's formation on the distribution of refractory elements and inclusions in meteorites, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 238, 11, 2018. 

Driscoll, P. E., & Du, Z., Geodynamo conductivity limits. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 7982– 7989, 2019.

Duncan, M. S., N. C. Schmerr, C. M. Bertka, and Y. Fei, Extending the solidus for a model iron‐rich Martian mantle composition to 25 GPa, Geophys. Res. Lett. 45, 10211-10220, 2018. 

Jackson C.R.M, Bennett N.R., Du Z., Cottrell E., Fei Y., Early episodes of high-pressure core formation preserved in plume mantle, Nature, 553, 7689, 491, 2018.

How do exoplanets obtain and retain the raw materials for life?

Arnold, J. A., A. J. Weinberger, G. Videen, and E. S. Zubko, The effect of dust composition and shape on radiation-pressure forces and blowout sizes of particles in debris disks, Astron. J. 157, 157, 2019. 

Carlson, R. W., R. Brasser, Q.-Z. Yin, M. Fischer-Gödde, and L. P. Qin, Feedstocks of the terrestrial planets, Space Sci. Rev. 214, 121, 2018.

Zahnle, K. J. and Carlson, R. W. Creation of a habitable planet. In V. S. Meadows, D. J. D. Marais, G. N. Arney, and B. E. Schmidt, editors, Planetary Astrobiology. The University of Arizona Press, 2019.

MacGregor, M. A., A. J. Weinberger, E. R. Nesvold, A. M. Hughes, D. J. Wilner, T. Currie, J. H. Debes, J. K. Donaldson, S. Redfield, A. Roberge, & G. Schneider, Multiple Rings of Millimeter Dust Emission in the HD 15115 Debris Disk, Astrophys. J. 877, L32, 2019.

Nittler, L. R., R. M. Stroud, J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez, B. T. De Gregorio, C. M. O’D. Alexander, J. Davidson, C. E. Moyano-Cambero, and S. Tanbakouei, A cometary building block in a primitive asteroidal meteorite, Nature Astron., 3, 659, 2019.

 Owen, J. E. and J. A. Kollmeier, Radiation pressure clear-out of dusty photoevaporating discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 3702, 2019

Thompson, M. A., A. J. Weinberger, L. D. Keller, J. A. Arnold, and C. C. Stark, Studying the evolution of warm dust encircling BD+20 307 using SOFIA, Astrophys. J. 875, 45, 2019. 

Young, E. D., A. Shahar, F. Nimmo, H. E. Schlichting, E. A. Schauble, H. Tang, and J. Labidi, Near-equilibrium isotope fractionation during planetesimal evaporation, Icarus 323, 1-15, 2019. 

Carlson, R. W., Garc ̧on, M., O’Neil, J. , Reimink, J. , and Rizo, H. The nature of earth’s first crust. Chemical Geology, 530:119321, 2019.

Driscoll, P., Geodynamo recharged, Nature Geosci. 12, 83-84, 2019.

Driscoll, P. E., Planetary interiors, magnetic fields, and habitability, in Handbook of Exoplanets, H. J. Deeg and J. A. Belmonte, eds., pp. 2917-2935, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018. 

Foley, B. J. The dependence of planetary tectonics on mantle thermal state: Applications to early Earth evolution, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. A, 376, 2018.

Webster C., et al., (including Steele A) Background Levels of Methane in Mars’ Atmosphere Show Strong Seasonal Variations. Science, 360, 1093, 2018.

Levi, A. & Cohen, R. E. The Equation of State of MH-III: a possible deep CH4 reservoir in Titan, Super-Titan exoplanets and moons. Astrophys. J. in press, 2019 (arxiv 1808.07925).

Smit, K. V., S. B. Shirey, E. H. Hauri, and R. A. Stern, Sulfur isotopes in diamonds reveal differences in continent construction, Science 364, 383-385, 2019.

How does a planet's interior influence the surface and atmosphere?